



Katy Drinkall Co-opted Governor Chair
Susan Cornwall Co-opted Governor Vice Chair
David Wilkinson Headteacher
Lisa Ellerington Staff Governor
Chelsie Spratling Staff Governor
Libby Khan Co-opted Governor
Sarah Thurston Co-opted Governor
Jane Marson Co-opted Governor
Vacancy Parent Governor
Simon Harris Co-opted Governor
Nicola Dobson Parent Governor

Governor Roles Overview

The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.

Its responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • setting targets for pupil achievement
  • managing the school’s finances
  • making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
  • appointing staff
  • reviewing staff performance and pay

Please click the link below to see a list of governors and their responsibilities.

For Information on the board of trustees for Humber Education Trust, see:

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, or would like more information on the roles and responsibilities of a Governor, please follow the link below.

Welcome, from the Chair of Governors
Children, Parents and Staff

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your newly appointed Chair of Governors. I am excited about continuing my involvement with the ‘Broadacre Team’ and looking forward to supporting you all in your current and future journey to make Broadacre the best it can be.

As a long-serving governor of the school, I am fully aware of the difficulties and challenges that are part and parcel of life at the school but it was the success stories, strengths and exciting new projects that Mrs Staines has already shared with me that made me proud to be your Chair of Governors. From my previous visits to meet with the staff and recent governing body meetings, it is clear to see that the children here work very hard, enjoy their time at school and are a pleasure to work with.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns that you would like to share, please feel free to contact the relevant member of staff in the school as I do know that staff at Broadacre work hard to be proactive and approachable to all children and parents. If you would like to contact me please feel free to email me at

Nigel Hillary
Chair of Governors

Further information:

‘The mathematics curriculum has improved significantly, leading to confident problem-solving abilities in pupils.’

Ofsted comments

‘The school has specially resourced provisions for pupils with SEND, particularly those with autism spectrum disorder.’

Ofsted comments

‘Pupils regularly revisit past learning, and assessments are used effectively to plan next steps.’

Ofsted comments

‘Teachers are supported to plan stimulating and interesting lessons.’

Ofsted comments

‘Adult interactions in early years are well planned to support resilient and purposeful learning.’

Ofsted comments

‘The early years learning area is bright and inviting, with a focus on vocabulary development through song and rhyme.’

Ofsted comments

‘The school provides a happy and welcoming environment with a ‘family feeling’ in the new, large school building.’

Ofsted comments

‘Pupils’ behavior is extremely good, with a calm and purposeful atmosphere.’

Ofsted comments

‘The curriculum includes personal, social, and emotional development, with a focus on values such as democracy and respect.’

Ofsted comments

‘A new phonics scheme has been introduced, improving the teaching of reading.’

Ofsted comments

‘Staff and pupils show great respect for each other.’

Ofsted comments

‘High expectations for all pupils are maintained by all adults at the school.’

Ofsted comments

‘Pupils with SEND receive high-quality and effective support, allowing them to access the full curriculum.’

Ofsted comments