Our vision, at Broadacre, is to create respectful, compassionate and resilient citizens of 21st century Britain. We aim to equip children with vital life skills which support them socially and emotionally in preparation for their future. We believe it is of paramount importance that children learn to become valued and active citizens through their understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect and the tolerance of the beliefs of others.
We will provide all pupils with quality teaching through the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme. This curriculum is taught across all year groups, including in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Teaching is centred around 6 themes or pieces: Being me in my World; Celebrating Difference; Changing Me; Dreams and Goals; Healthy Me and Relationships. Each year, the teaching builds on prior learning, ensuring that learning is deepened.
Children at Broadacre will:
- Develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills to overcome challenges in their lives.
- Know how to understand and respond to a wide range of feelings and emotions.
- Know how to be healthy, active, respectful and valued members of society