At Broadacre Primary School, we believe that education is about the needs of the whole child.
It is our intention to provide a safe, stimulating and fun environment, with high quality learning resources, where everyone is valued and respected.
We wish to enable children to develop as confident, independent learners who are passionate about learning and motivated to fulfil their potential. Expectations of attainment and achievement are high.
We aim to foster emotional intelligence in all so that pupils take increasing responsibility for their learning, their environment and the contribution to society that they can make. Respect, tolerance and co-operation are a priority.
We encourage a welcoming, happy and caring atmosphere where positive attitudes and achievement are celebrated.
Our curriculum is broad, exciting and creative and meets the needs of our pupils and is accessible to all.
Our school is a learning community where adults and children can learn together and where all can contribute and have a voice.
Partnerships with parents/carers and the community are crucial to our success and we strive to forge strong links with the wider world.